Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sliding Doors

Has anyone seen this movie?

This is how I feel now that I am back.  I feel like one of me is still in Russia and one of me is home.  I get up in the morning, take off my eye mask (a habit we picked up in Russia) get up and go through the motions of my life here.  I feel though as if I could put that sleep mask back on, wake up over again and be in our hotel room ready to start our day there.

I feel like I could easily open a door and I would be in Russia.  The trip still lingers.  I open my change purse and have twoonies mixed with rubles.  I leave out Baby Birds toy bag so I won't forget to take it.  I check the time and my first thought is when are we meeting our translator.  I look for Cat and find it so odd that I would need to phone her to talk to her, I've grown accustomed to her always being within earshot.  I see my family watching videos of Baby Bird and I feel like he's within reach and not on the other side of the world.  My car feels foreign to me.  I sip my coffee from my Moscow Starbucks travel mug.  I said thank you in Russian (badly as usual) when someone gave me change yesterday.

I am so happy to have my family and loved one's in arms reach and not in cyber space, I appreciate and feel the love and joy.
At the same time I feel like this is a nice visit but I am ready to board a plane and go back for him now.

I am forever changed, and what I have added to my existence just needs some time to hang out with who I was before we boarded that plane.
In that magical blend, I will be truly myself.


J. said...

Found your blog through Russian Blogs Galore...

I hear you on this one. Our adoption to 4 years to complete. That required 5 trips to Russia total, including 2 "court trip" visits of 7 weeks each - on from Sept. to late October 07 and then Jan & Feb 08. Talk about feeling like you're living a double life!

Ann said...

Don't know the movie but I am exactly in the same spot you are. My husband and I just returned from St. Petersburg and are waiting our court date to bring home our little girl.

For me it is the Collin Raye song "I can still fee you"

I can still feel you just as close as skin
Every now and then
All by myself, in a crowded room, or my empty bed
There's a place you've touched
With your love no one gets close to
I can still feel you, I can still feel you, I can still feel you, I can still feel you
Oh I can still feel you

Cat said...

My heart is also left in Russia...missing the baby bird and savouring the moments we had with him....loving family and friends and most of all my syestra!