Thursday, July 14, 2011

Extra Extra Read All About It

You know those people that have a new baby in their lives and they think that their baby is the cutest baby on the planet so they are compelled to gush and show you a zillion baby photos?  Well when that person also happens to be a  professional publicist that baby can end up front page news.
My sister Cat is going to be an awesome Aunt. She has taken the bragging, gushing and photo sharing to new heights and managed to get her nephew featured as the cover story. of our local paper. 

Holly, my Burlington resident buddy called me this afternoon squeelling congratulations from the local supermarket.   I immediately went to my parents front porch to find a paper and there we were, Baby Bird and I on the cover of the paper of the city I grew up in.  Our story has made Burlington's front page news.  We are seriously big news ya'll.  Mom wonders if we'll get recognized and Dad is scouring the city and our neighbours homes for more copies.

This is actually my second appearance as a cover story for The Post.  Back in the day, which in this case was 1992 and I was in my last year of high school.  Besides big hair and a lot of hair spray, I also had big opinions and big plans to stamp out injustice.  I landed on the cover for organizing a walk out of the graduating class of Burlington Central High school to protest censorship in the yearbook.  So almost 20 years later, I am back in the paper for going public with my big opinions.  I thought I could change the world twenty years ago by standing up for what I believed in. 
Today I believe that maybe "we can't change the whole world, but we can change the world for one child"

I am grateful to the writer Melanie Cummings for sharing our story so lovingly and am hopeful that people will be moved to join the diaper drive  Every dollar buys a diaper for a baby bum and there are a lot of little bums that need to be kept clean and dry.  I have about seven weeks before I return to Russia so that's a lot of time to  rant  share.  Thanks for listening.


Melissa said...

Wow that's amazing Heather!
Your little birdie is gonna have a lot of support and people caring for him...he already does :)

Anonymous said...

Well I do have bragging rights...front page!!! Mama bird and baby bird such love seen in the picture. Hoping to get many baby bums badly needed diapers.
Love Gramma Bird.....Bushka

Trisha said...

How nice for Russian adoptions to make the front page because of good news. Tear.