Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Spring has sprung the grass has rise, I wonder where my birdie is?

Spring is in the air! The grass is a growing, the birds are a chirping and spring fever is upon us. Time for rebirth, regeneration, things to bloom, nature to nuture.

My spring fever is the travel itch. I am burning up with the desire to go meet my little russian. My calendar will soon be open, my passport is updated, paperwork is organized, Sister is on stand by, carry on is empty, ipod is loaded.

June seems like a lifetime away. I realize that in fact it is actually only 21 days away but it feels like eternity when I am waiting to call the adoption agency. I can't call them now because the earliest that I am eligible to receive a referral is in 21 days. As much as they appreciate calls from their clients just to say hello I need to respect the process which means sucking up the wait.

In the meantime I have bought a russian doll coffee mug in which I sip my morning coffee and my lovely friend Barb has given me a summer dress for her to add to my collection. Truth be told, cutie Barb actually bought it for herself thinking it was a baby doll style tank top only to be told by her man that is was actually a toddlers dress. Hilarious!

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