Saturday, January 22, 2011

Paperwork is travelling to Vologograd

Last week I received notification that my documents have been signed by the Russian Embassy in Toronto and have been send to the Ministry of Education in Vologograd, Russia. That means that for now I am done all the paperwork necessary to be matched with my chickadee. Adoption is a lot of hurry up and wait. My home study update was approved on December 23rd which was a Christmas gift from the Ministry, we had almost written it off happening so close to the holidays. That same day I FedEx'd the other documents required to go with the home study to the Embassy so that my Agency would bring them with her when she spend December 24th at the Ministry. Much scrambling, good timing and a sprinkle of Christmas magic.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Congrats! As you know, the waiting is hard but I really hope yours is short and you will be flying away to bring your bird home FAST! Thanks for bringing me along on the journey!