Thursday, January 20, 2011

Worry Less..... Feel Good Anyway

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Now that my blog redesign is almost complete I have blogging on the mind. I write posts in my head as I walk to the car, drive, try to sleep and especially when I am observing the world. I start blogs, redesign them, stop posting, change their names, post random stuff with abandon. In the past I felt perfectly free to just blurt, share, rant and rave but this time it's different. This blog has such significance because this is the documentation of the most important journey of my life, it's my hearts dream, my purpose on the planet.... see where I am heading here? Can you feel the weight? I can... You better not screw this up, my inner critic is screaming. I intend to send this link to my family, my closest friends and share it with the adoption world. Whoa, my hands are freezing at the keyboard. So if I am ever to get the posts from my head and into cyberspace I need to lighten up and lose the vice grip. I need to warm up and chill out so I am starting with this lovely little quote I found last night.

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