Thursday, June 23, 2011

Notary Day

Monday June 20th

Arrived at 4pm to the Office of the Notary to sign the official Petition to Adopt.  I don't know what I was expecting but just as everything else seems to have unfolded, she was heaven sent.  There were some issues with my paperwork but it got corrected and Zoya the Notary stayed late so that I could finish the paperwork. 

Zoya the Notary is a 70 year old woman in a white blouse that resembles the Queen.  Beautiful, regal, kind and wise, she hand transcribes the records into two books.  These books will remain in the office for the next 70 years.  She is the only one allowed to write in these books.  After all the papers were signed she took out a bag of candy from her desk drawer and selected three for each of us.  This kind, angelic women with the sweet smile and white hair kissed  and cooed over the picture I showed her of Baby Bird.

I introduced her to Cat and true to my terrible Russian language skills, I proudly introduced her a Baby Bird's pig instead of Aunt.  The two words in Russian are very similar.  She laughed and said that at least my word was for a clean, nice pig.  She allowed a photograph to be taken and provided art direction.

After the giggles, she got up from her regal desk and came around to meet me.  She looked into my eyes said to me

"R. will grow up to be my proctector
He will bring me much happiness and love
.......and one day a daughter in law that I will also love"
The words were unexpected and deeply moving. Again, this journey has been blessed by the heavens.


Holly Simmons said...

I can picture the moment. Brought tears of joy to my eyes for you. Love and hugs.

Stacey said...

WoO HOoooOOOOooOO!!!! Love it and love that you got a picture of you signing the intent to adopt. I signed mine right at the baby home with the director so was fortunate to snap a picture of the moment too. It sounds like everything continues to go seamlessly... that is awesome! P.S. I particularly love the part about IA from Russia that makes it "normal" to have a stack of money and a calculator on the desk as you sign :) I think I unceremoniously burned my money belt after we got home!!!